8(800) 600-47-78
Check-in information
  • Check-out time:
    Check-in time: 1:00 p.m.
    Check out time: 11:00 a.m.

    The possibility of extending the stay in the room may be specified on the day of departure.
  • Resort fee:
    From January 1, 2023, the amount of the Resort fee has been increased to 100 roubles per day in accordance with Law No. 113-kz of the Stavropol Territory dated December 26, 2022 "On Amendments to the Law of the Stavropol Territory "About some issues of the experiment on the resort infrastructure development in the Stavropol Territory".
  • Documents required for check-in:
    • RF passport
    • Birth Certificate for children under 14
  • Those wishing to receive procedures on the basis of the neighboring sanatorium must also have:
    • Certificate from a general practitioner at the place of residence on the epidemic environment (issued no more than 3 days before the arrival at the pension) - Sanatorium-Resort Card Form
    • Certificate from a dermatologist (for visiting the swimming pool)
    • Certificate about preventive vaccinations for children under 14 years
© 2023 Boarding house "Zvezdny". All rights reserved.